Sunday, August 09, 2009

Jess Bane Repaint

Jess Bane Repaint
Hi! Long time since i update my blog. Lately had been working on my reel. So it is time to share some stuff. Been working on 2 model. 1 is steamboy, another is my repaint Jess Bane which i more or less done with her. I just need to render the turn table then i can concentrate on my Steamboy.

Here is some of the latest shot i did.

Here are some of the old shot of Jess Bane. Put it up and let u guys compare. :)
If ya guys interested in all the stuff abt Jess Bane, the pics can be found here. Really happy how she turn out now as to compare to the old version. Of cuz, i do see room for improvement. But i have to let it go and move on to the next model. Steamboy WIP will be coming up soon. Stay Tune!